Protective Symbols
Summer is one of the best times for creating Batik! I have a pile of upcoming fashion art pieces that I am working on! My process in creating this wearable art is I will hold a piece of clothing and explore its potentials. It's kind of mysterious how I come to my conclusions, then I begin my sketches right on the piece itself using a washable marker. I think about who will own this piece one day and how they will wear it. I think about the colors. Which color will the piece go into first? How will these two or three colors blend? What effect do I want? Often I look at reference pictures for ideas - art books, pinterest and most often my old Henna notebooks that display Henna art from all over - from Scandinavia to Armenia to the Middle East to India etc.. Runes and other Protective Symbols have become a big part of my work. Often I will put an eye on the back of a piece, because you never know who is walking behind you! The eye symbol deflects evil intentions. The eye reminds us on a deep primal level of the "Eye of God" and diffuses anger by deflecting the "evil spirit" that may be within the perpetrator behind you. Even if they do not see the eye ie; it's under your hair - it is still there energetically and still has its effect. By this I say ~ Walk in Peace and Protection my friends!