New batik apparel at Bootyland Kids!

New batik apparel at Bootyland Kids!

Today I'll be taking nine pieces to Bootyland Kids on Capitol Hill in Seattle (see picture). Don't be betrayed by the name of this store, as it is not just for kids! Picture a young mom with a stroller coming in for stuff for her kid and finding an eclectic section of clothing for women!  Surprise surprise! I have been selling Pomegranate Batik apparel here since last summer. I am keeping all items are under $100 this includes the jean jackets and hoodie - a bit cheaper than the website prices. 

FYI - it looks like I may be vending (for the first time!) at an upcoming event in April called "Spring Mysteries Festival" in Sea-Tac, a 3 day event at the Hilton. If I do I may get a room and just live there for a two or three day vacay. However, I do not know if this is a well attended event and I have been burned before in this area - I have vended my tarot stuff before - decades ago now - at some dungeon and dragons-like convention at the Red Lion Inn in Sea Tac and it was bogus. Barely anyone came to look at the vendors stuff as we were all set up in a separate room. The people attending were doing role-playing in the ballroom the entire time. I went one day and I was done. Never again! But I have to remember that was before social media and smart phones - it was early 2000's. Now it's easier to know about events, and to purchase items from vendors using any form of payment just with a phone. Even if it's a bomb at least it will prepare me to go into the real markets like Punk Rock flea market, Fremont Night Market and Mourning Market etc. - which are very well attended and known. I need to have a rack for clothes and a full length mirror, a table and a rug, lights. It needs to be cozy because I may be doing tarot readings as well!

Anyway, go by Bootyland Kids y'all and check out the latest batik! 

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