Nini modeling the latest BATIK apparel!
My gorgeous daughter has been modeling my clothing for me in the back yard on the regular now! I remember when I first started batikking apparel serious three years ago she was a bit reluctant would argue even but she would do it, now she enjoys it! She does her makeup all perfect. She looks amazing in everything and the apparel sells better when she has modeled them of course! She is petit though and most of my apparel is size L - 2XL. There is just more demand for larger sizes. She really likes the brown spider shirt featured in the picture here, and it strangely enough hasn't sold yet! I guess it's too creepy - I mean, we do have the largest brown spiders in the world here in Seattle and they usually appear in your bathroom or kitchen when you least expect it. So I think I'll give the shirt to Nini for Jul if it doesn't sell by then. I still need to make a run to Vashon Island with my latest apparel, and Bootyland Kids on Capitol Hill - I actually got two little onesies to batik just for Ellie's shop.