Tarot of the Pomegranate deck & Tarot Batik at Bootyland Kids

Tarot of the Pomegranate deck & Tarot Batik at Bootyland Kids

Artwalk at Bootyland was good, met and talked with friends there and specifically talked about the short film Jackie Hell and I are making. I added four new Tarot batik shirts and one signed limited edition Tarot of the Pomegranate deck at Bootyland Kids. I have only two decks left now in my possession! I am a bit anxious about it. I have so much to do before I can print the next edition deck out - changes to the booklet is number one. Replacing the Pip cards with the illustrated minor that I have completed. Also - I still need to complete the Seven of Swords which basically just needs my signature and a photo taken of it.

I have not done any oil painting this summer only batik. But it pays off to focus on one thing for a time, for me this summer it was back to batik. I'm so glad I did! I have this Shopify page which I still am not utilizing as much as I can -  I need to get it hooked onto my Instagram and facebook somehow. And I have my apparel in two brick and mortar shops! That's the best part, to actually have my stuff in a store. I have no idea who is buying my stuff and that's fine.

After we ate dinner at a restaurant right in the courtyard of ChopHouse Row. Nini also came along to support her mother and took this picture of me with my tarot deck. 

I added some hot pink and purple Pomegranate Batik signs around my stuff. It shouldn't be hard to find! 

I'm not sure how sales will go - it's a children's store with a small section for moms so clearly a lot of people will never go in there who otherwise would be interested in my clothing. Chophouse Row is a pretty hopping place but How will people know to go into a children's clothing store to buy my cool batik apparel? It's all just by luck if people see my work. Oh, well at least it is there and if you know you know, if you see it you see it. What i need to do is batik some onesies for the tots!

 I know inevitably I will have to start vending - setting up a table at Fremont Night market and Punk Rock flea market and so forth. I can do tarot readings, sell tarot, deck and prints and my batik. It'd be an interesting booth for sure. I'm supposed to vend with Mardi in Vashon Island in November so I will see how it all works then.

I kind of cringe at the idea of vending, but at the same time I love the idea of meeting people, doing readings and being inspired to make more batik, more art.

I've gotten some new long sleeved very soft and stretchy tops that I am drawing up right now - one is full of spiders, the other is mushrooms and I'll make another with snakes. I also got some red hoodies and a bunch of long tanks, good for layering. 

Today I picked up my supplies and had the annual orientation at Creart studio. I start teaching next week on Thursday, and the week after the full schedule begins - 5 days a week! Thankfully most of the schools are close to home. Looking forward to teaching again and having a set schedule. 

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